
From operating the finest dining establishment to stocking supplies for small grab-and-go casual concepts, the right kitchen products have big jobs to do. Having efficient, quality kitchen equipment and supplies can be the difference between running smoothly and running on fumes. At Curtis, we pride ourselves on our time-tested proven vendor relationships to ensure our customers have what they need from the top down. Curtis stocks everything from furnishings to flatware and everything in between. From energy-efficient, Energy Star commercial kitchen appliances to bar, catering, or cleaning supplies, Curtis is your trusted source for kitchen wares large or small. Our knowledgeable staff can find the right economical products for you and help value engineer your purchase with rebate assistance. With 60 years of experience, we look forward to serving you today, tomorrow, and for years to come.

Countertop Electric Burner

Perfect for use in omelet stations, catering services, display cooking, or anywhere you need an extra burner, this induction cooker is safer than conventional countertop ranges since there’s no open flame or flammable fuel source, and the heat dissipates quickly after the cookware is removed. It can compete with other countertop ranges in performance as well, heating up to temperature with lightning speed!
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Kitchen Prep

Cooking Equipment

Countertop Equipment

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See what 60 years of experience can do for you.

Whether you’re building a franchise eatery or a one-of-a-kind restaurant, send us a message today and let’s get started.


Contact us at 1-800-422-7818 for current pricing and product information.